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Developmental Screening Tool
Developmental Screening Tool

Are you worried about your child’s development? Is your child developing differently than other kids their age?

Our Developmental Screening Tool is designed to help you start the process to get the information you need to advocate for your child!

With Developmental Delays and Disabilities, Early Action Can Make A Huge Difference. Don’t wait!


Sometimes parents may think that in time their child will “catch up”, and take a wait-and-see approach, but this simply won’t work.
Early diagnosis and treatment provide the best chance for success. The sooner a developmental delay is identified and treated,
the better the chance your child has to achieve their full potential. With the right care, your child can thrive!

This free developmental screening tool was created by our Developmental Pediatricians, and is designed to help families determine if
their child has delays or differences in any areas of development.

This screening tool is not intended to diagnose a child, but rather to help professionals and families determine if further assessment
is needed. Get the information you need to advocate for your child’s health and collaborate effectively with their clinician.

Let’s work together to support your child’s development and well-being!

To begin the free screening process, download the app and select the Developmental Screening Tool.
You will first be asked to provide details about your child.
Next, you will be asked a series of questions to assess your child's development status.
After answering all of the questions, you will be provided the screening test results, along with recommendations for what to do next.

Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss your child’s screening results, or with questions or concerns
that you may have. We are always here to help!

This Free Screening Tool is now available on our Patient app.